Monday, February 9, 2009



I get my Braces off April 7th at 9:40 am. And then 12 weeks or so later, my orthodontist is going to bleach them :)

My teeth are going to look SO pretty.

I am SOOOOOOOO excited! Right before my birthday, and right before summer, and my sophomore year, I will have pretty white teeth :) :) :) :)


  1. One kid down, how many more to go? I'm hoping they look BEAUTIFUL....because they cost me a small car : ) I'm happy you get them off soon. You did a great job on maintaining them!

  2. I am hoping they look BEAUTIFUL too!! and haha it was worth it though, you saw my teeth before :) I am happy I get them off soon too, and thanks. I did whatever I could because I wanted them off!!
