Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I finally got my permit!
Okay so Monday, My mom & I went up to the DPS in hurst to get my permit. It was about an hour & a half wait, but we got my permit!!! I am now LEGAL! I am now legal to drive with a licensed driver over the age of 21 with 1 year of driving experience in the front seat(: YAYYYYY(: I am currently enrolled in Drivers Ed at Carol Watkins driving school. I highly recommend going there when its your turn to drive. Its easier, faster, & you learn alot more(: I have 2 more weeks left of the class, and then 14 hours of drive time with them! I am really excited(: Anyways, Look out for me on the road(: JUST KIDDING. I AM A PRETTY GOOD DRIVER, JUST GOTTA KEEP PRACTICING!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Party Time! :)
The Big group!
haha tommy wanted in :)
Bathroom Shots..gotta love em'
Last Friday, I went to Student Council Banquet..I didn't go with anybody, because it was lame. There was no dancing or anything. We went and ate dinner, did awards, watched a slideshow, and went home. How stupid is that??? It was NOT fun at all. The only part that was fun, was the after the banquet..we took all these pictures in the parking lot..Here are some pictures from banquet, and our parking lot pictures. :)
Last days of school!
What time is it??
SUMMER TIME! I am so excited its finally summer. I am not longer a baby fish, I am a sophomore! Finally! I am happy, and sad at the same time. I am definantly going to miss all the taunting as being a fish, I am going to miss my teachers and the kids that were in my classes that made them fun. I am happy that I am no longer a baby fish, and that I will soon be able to drive. I will have my license end of my sophomore year! I have heard that sophomore year is one of the hardest years...but I am hoping it wont be too bad! I got past the taunting, no driving, maps, hard tests, notes, and everything. But I am sure there is more to come of all that! I am getting my permit next week..so I will be on the road driving away! MAN AM I EXCITED!! I sure hope this summer rocks! Next weekend, I am going to my best friends lakehouse for a couple of days. Were going Friday after drivers ed, staying friday night, all day saturday, saturday night, and then sunday, and we will be coming home sometime in the evening on sunday! I love going up to her lakehouse. Its so fun! I really wish I had a lakehouse!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Deal or No Deal?
I think Deal! Okay so my parents made a deal with me, for every 2 1/2 hours of cleaning I do, I get to drive around for 30 minutes around keller! Thats AWESOME! I am SUPER SUPER SUPER excited, they have motivated me to clean. My room has been clean for the past couple of days, I did my laundry, yesterday I did 3o minutes of cleaning. If I do 30 minutes everyday, I will have 2 1/2 hours by the weekend, so i can drive (: WHOOP-WHOOP!!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
To the years where we begin; the rest is still unwritten...
My mom & I made this for one of my best friends birthday. My mom is talented & crafty. She can do anything! Sneha loved her gift and it was a ton of fun to watch. We had so many laughs. I love these girlies. They are my best friendss. (: The reason we say the rest is still unwritten, is because there are still more memories, laughs, pictures, and inside jokes to come.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Emotional Day
Okay so I got my braces off 3 days ago! I went in at 9:30 and they took them off. They yanked off my brackets, and scraped off the glue. This hurt really bad. I had tears in my eyes! She polished my teeth and cleaned them up a little bit. It felt so wierd, it was all smooth and slimy, with a couple of rough areas where the lady missed the glue! I had to get a retainer..so they made it and they popped it on..man it was tight and it was very unpleasant. It was SO tight. I went back to school around noon, and I went to class. I went to lunch, and i couldnt get my retainer off. it was AWFUL. I was crying because i was so frustrated. I couldnt eat anything, and I hadnt eaten anything all day. I was having a BREAKDOWN. I texted my mom and she came and picked me up. SHE SAVED ME! Thanks mom!!! I got home, and it took me half an hour to get that stupid thing off. My mom had her hands in my mouth trying to get it off. It just didnt want to come off. Finally, i got it off. I grabbed all this food and just pigged out. and then i had to put my retainer back on. I can finally get my retainer on and off pretty quick and it doesnt hurt anymore. I have to brush my retainer everyday because it smells HORRIBLE. heheh :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Okay so I get my braces of in 9 days!!!!!! I get them off April 7th at 9:40 am! I am SO flipping excited. I will never have to deal with canker sores, I will not be the odd ball, (all my friends dont have braces, I am the only one that does), and once I get them off, 12 weeks later, I am probably going to get them whitened!! I am SUPER SUPER SUPER excited. All I can talk about these days, are getting my braces off and driving. I love to drive!
My parents are finally letting me practice driving, even though I am not allowed to because I am not 15 and I dont have my permit. But were taking baby steps...and every now and then they let me drive. I always get mad at them, because they only let me drive for like 10-15 minutes, and I want to drive longer, but I realize now, that I should just be lucky that they are even lettting me drive. Because technically, I am not suppose to. So thanks mom & dad for letting me practice. Practice makes Perfect, soon enough, I will fully know how to drive and I will be good at it, thanks to you :)
My parents are finally letting me practice driving, even though I am not allowed to because I am not 15 and I dont have my permit. But were taking baby steps...and every now and then they let me drive. I always get mad at them, because they only let me drive for like 10-15 minutes, and I want to drive longer, but I realize now, that I should just be lucky that they are even lettting me drive. Because technically, I am not suppose to. So thanks mom & dad for letting me practice. Practice makes Perfect, soon enough, I will fully know how to drive and I will be good at it, thanks to you :)
I finally have time to blog! :)
Okay so I have been so busy lately. I have no time to blog anymore :( It is SOO sad. Today is sunday, and I decided to blog about something. I am really bored, so I don't really know what to blog about...but it will come to me.
So about a week ago, we had SPRiNG BREAK. I love SPRiNG BREAK, it was so fun!! We didnt go anywhere, we just stayed home and relaxed. We played wii, went fishing, ate out, and we had many late family nights. I had late nights, and early mornings. I took some pet sitting jobs. I love dogs, and I wish I had one, so I was SUPER excited when I got the chance to care of my neighbors dogs!! I took care of the pattersons dogs, Bo and Gabbi, for a couple of days. I got up at 7 and let them out and fed them, then came home and fell back asleep, then I went back at 12 to get the mail, let them out to go poddy, and give them their treat, then I went back at 5, to feed them their dinner, let them out, and go for a walk, and then last time was at 10:30, I let them out and then put them up to go to sleep. It was alot of work, but I enjoyed it. I also took care of the Cheathams dog, Trooper. He is this big golden lab, he looks pretty intimidating, but Trooper is such a sweet dog. I love taking care of him, no matter how crazy he is!! :)
Over break, I got to lay out for a little bit and get a small tan. I got rid of most of my farmers tan :P I was SUPER excited. I thought I was as tan as Halle Caroline and Ellison.....but I was wrong. Those girls are SO tan, its not even funny. I am so jealous. My skin compared to their skin is drastic. I am the white marshmallow, and they are the tan golden graham crackers. :) So I guess I just wrote about my spring break..
So about a week ago, we had SPRiNG BREAK. I love SPRiNG BREAK, it was so fun!! We didnt go anywhere, we just stayed home and relaxed. We played wii, went fishing, ate out, and we had many late family nights. I had late nights, and early mornings. I took some pet sitting jobs. I love dogs, and I wish I had one, so I was SUPER excited when I got the chance to care of my neighbors dogs!! I took care of the pattersons dogs, Bo and Gabbi, for a couple of days. I got up at 7 and let them out and fed them, then came home and fell back asleep, then I went back at 12 to get the mail, let them out to go poddy, and give them their treat, then I went back at 5, to feed them their dinner, let them out, and go for a walk, and then last time was at 10:30, I let them out and then put them up to go to sleep. It was alot of work, but I enjoyed it. I also took care of the Cheathams dog, Trooper. He is this big golden lab, he looks pretty intimidating, but Trooper is such a sweet dog. I love taking care of him, no matter how crazy he is!! :)
Over break, I got to lay out for a little bit and get a small tan. I got rid of most of my farmers tan :P I was SUPER excited. I thought I was as tan as Halle Caroline and Ellison.....but I was wrong. Those girls are SO tan, its not even funny. I am so jealous. My skin compared to their skin is drastic. I am the white marshmallow, and they are the tan golden graham crackers. :) So I guess I just wrote about my spring break..
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Yesterday I went up to Northwood Church with my mom. We worked Revive. Revive is where you take care of special needs kids and their siblings while the parents get a night off. These Kids have autism, down syndrome, and many other things. My mom and I got to watch a 8 year old named Abby. She had down syndrome, but she was the cutest thing ever. Abby loved to watch movies, play ring-around-the rosie in the jump house, play video games, play prisoner, and dress up. She is just a fun, sweet kid to be around. When Abby first got there, we introduced ourselves to the mom and Abby. Abby put out her hand to shake it. We were talking to her mom, and then the first thing Abby says to us is "Lets go, Lets go" She was ready to have a ton of fun with us. So we run from place to place, and we are worn out..and were thinking this is going to be a long night..but then we turn the corner and there is a movie playing. Abby sits down and watches the movie for about an hour, just sitting still and being perfect. After the movie, we jumped on the bounce house..she sure does love to jump. We also played Prisoner. She would catch me and take me to prison, but right before she put me in prison, I would escape and run all around the church and she would catch me. We would be laughing, and we did this over and over..until she finally got mad at me for escaping so much. Seeing Abby smile and laugh just made my night. I absolutely LOVED working there. I plan on working there every other Friday night, if I am available. I recommend working there at sometime in your life, because these kids truely are amazing.
Pictures coming soon.
Pictures coming soon.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I get my Braces off April 7th at 9:40 am. And then 12 weeks or so later, my orthodontist is going to bleach them :)
My teeth are going to look SO pretty.
I am SOOOOOOOO excited! Right before my birthday, and right before summer, and my sophomore year, I will have pretty white teeth :) :) :) :)
I get my Braces off April 7th at 9:40 am. And then 12 weeks or so later, my orthodontist is going to bleach them :)
My teeth are going to look SO pretty.
I am SOOOOOOOO excited! Right before my birthday, and right before summer, and my sophomore year, I will have pretty white teeth :) :) :) :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A long long day!
On Saturday, I was looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing. Well, NONE of that happened. Okay so I had to get up at 8:45 and then I had to go volunteer up at the keller pointe. I was volunteering for Nationaly Charity League, Interact Club and Green Cord. We were setting up for the daddy daughter dance! It was amazing. They had these balloon arches, and all these pretty, sparkly, colorful decorations! The theme was "My dad is a Rockstar" It was sooo cute.
I set up from 10am-3pm and we got a lunch break. Then I came home and got ready to go work the actual daddy daughter dance. I did my hair, make-up, and I had to wear a dress and everything. We all looked so nice. So 4:30 rolls around, and I am off to go work again. We got there, and it was sooo funny because my friend and I walked up to the keller pointe in dresses. And as we all know, people at the keller pointe walk in in sweats and a t-shirt because they are there to work out. So it was just funny as all these people stared at us.
My job at the dance was to serve food. That was easy. But crazy. When the little girls came in, there was so much spilling, and it was really loud and crazy. But when the bigger girls came in, it was quiet and calm. At the dance I saw my neighbors there. I saw Kennedi and her father, Dean. And then I saw Lillie and her father, Chris. Kennedi and Lillie looked beautiful. They were both wearing red dresses and they had there hair done and everything. They were dancing to Hannah Montana with their dads. SO CUTE! I talked to them for a little bit, but I had to get back to work before one of the ladies yelled at me! ahh! I go back into the kitchen area, and we cleaned off all the tables.
We were all so hungry, so we were just snacking on the pretzels, colored goldfish, and cheap cookies! sounds good? doesnt it? NO. It was a bad dinner. It was time to clean up, so we had to go upstairs and take off some things.....well on our way, we came across some HELIUM BALLOONS. wow. So what did we do???? We got them, sucked the helium out of them and we sounded like balloon heads. It was HILARIOUS! I laughed so hard!! We raced around the track, and we danced around. It was a ton of fun! Who thought Charity Work could be that much fun?
It was time to go home, so we went home. I ate a salad. Got ready for bed, and then I crashed. I was soooo tired. And thats how my Saturday went..but I got 12 hours of community service for green cord :)
I set up from 10am-3pm and we got a lunch break. Then I came home and got ready to go work the actual daddy daughter dance. I did my hair, make-up, and I had to wear a dress and everything. We all looked so nice. So 4:30 rolls around, and I am off to go work again. We got there, and it was sooo funny because my friend and I walked up to the keller pointe in dresses. And as we all know, people at the keller pointe walk in in sweats and a t-shirt because they are there to work out. So it was just funny as all these people stared at us.
My job at the dance was to serve food. That was easy. But crazy. When the little girls came in, there was so much spilling, and it was really loud and crazy. But when the bigger girls came in, it was quiet and calm. At the dance I saw my neighbors there. I saw Kennedi and her father, Dean. And then I saw Lillie and her father, Chris. Kennedi and Lillie looked beautiful. They were both wearing red dresses and they had there hair done and everything. They were dancing to Hannah Montana with their dads. SO CUTE! I talked to them for a little bit, but I had to get back to work before one of the ladies yelled at me! ahh! I go back into the kitchen area, and we cleaned off all the tables.
We were all so hungry, so we were just snacking on the pretzels, colored goldfish, and cheap cookies! sounds good? doesnt it? NO. It was a bad dinner. It was time to clean up, so we had to go upstairs and take off some things.....well on our way, we came across some HELIUM BALLOONS. wow. So what did we do???? We got them, sucked the helium out of them and we sounded like balloon heads. It was HILARIOUS! I laughed so hard!! We raced around the track, and we danced around. It was a ton of fun! Who thought Charity Work could be that much fun?
It was time to go home, so we went home. I ate a salad. Got ready for bed, and then I crashed. I was soooo tired. And thats how my Saturday went..but I got 12 hours of community service for green cord :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Babysitting The Cheathams :)
Okay So Friday Night, I babysat for one of my favorite neighbors! It was a TON of fun! We made Ice Cream, Went around the house without touching the floor, Played American Idol, had Wrestling Matches and We made goofy Videoes!
The Ice Cream turned out really good. But It was super messy! After shaking the bag for 5-10 minutes, our hands burned like crazy! Brooks decided that instead of eating the ice cream, he would just dip his face in it instead! LOL.
Okay so we also played a game where you had to go around the house without ever touching the carpet, and if you did, you had to restart from the beginning. We only had to go to the beginning 2-3 times, but I know that Ellison touched the carpet a couple of times, but I let it slide. We had to get pilows and blankets, and random things to step on so we wouldnt touch the carpet..it was extremely difficult! But a TON of fun!
We also played American Idol for a little Bit. Halle Caroline and Ellison and I were all the people auditioning. We would be Nerdy, or Wierd, or really good while singing! Brooks was the judge. He was actually Simon, Cara, Paula, and Randy. He said things like this "That was absolutly repulsive" or "Sorry I was asleep" or "YOUR GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!"
We also Had Wrestling Matches. Nobody really got hurt..except for me when Brandon (my brother) tackled me to the floor! The Wrestling Match was between Brooks and I. Brooks is a very scary person to be wrestling! Watch out for the "Dead Leg." This trick is where he knees your bone on your leg, and brings you down! :/ OUCH!
Ohh and the last thing we did, was make funny videos! I dont even know how to describe them! They are hilarious! I will upload the pictures and videos as soon as I get them!! :)
The Ice Cream turned out really good. But It was super messy! After shaking the bag for 5-10 minutes, our hands burned like crazy! Brooks decided that instead of eating the ice cream, he would just dip his face in it instead! LOL.
Okay so we also played a game where you had to go around the house without ever touching the carpet, and if you did, you had to restart from the beginning. We only had to go to the beginning 2-3 times, but I know that Ellison touched the carpet a couple of times, but I let it slide. We had to get pilows and blankets, and random things to step on so we wouldnt touch the carpet..it was extremely difficult! But a TON of fun!
We also played American Idol for a little Bit. Halle Caroline and Ellison and I were all the people auditioning. We would be Nerdy, or Wierd, or really good while singing! Brooks was the judge. He was actually Simon, Cara, Paula, and Randy. He said things like this "That was absolutly repulsive" or "Sorry I was asleep" or "YOUR GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!"
We also Had Wrestling Matches. Nobody really got hurt..except for me when Brandon (my brother) tackled me to the floor! The Wrestling Match was between Brooks and I. Brooks is a very scary person to be wrestling! Watch out for the "Dead Leg." This trick is where he knees your bone on your leg, and brings you down! :/ OUCH!
Ohh and the last thing we did, was make funny videos! I dont even know how to describe them! They are hilarious! I will upload the pictures and videos as soon as I get them!! :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Partyyy Time (:


Okay So Sunday Night..I went to a friends birthday Party. It was NOT very fun for the first hour and a half. Okay so we walked into the Keller Roundhouse (which turned out to be a square building and not a round one?) and everybody turned their heads and staired. Talk about Awkward Turtle. So We looked around and everywhere, there were RANDOM circles of people talking...thats how the party was for the first hour or so. Finally, the fun came along. Everybody was dancing and just having a GOOD OLE TIME :) We were all dancing like crazy wild kids on sugar. Which we were, right before everybody started to dance, the cake was cut! heheh anyways..It was for the most part fun!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fun with Family and Neighbors
On Saturday, I spent most of my day playing baseball outside with my family and my neighbors. It was a TON of fun! It was very funny too..When My dad hit everybody went way far out, and I would pitch it to him, and then duck so I wouldnt get hit. (I actually was hit 3 times, OUCH!) When my mom hit, everybody came in close, nobody believed she could hit far, but she proved us wrong a couple of times. When My brother Brandon hit, We would all spread out, because there was no telling where it was going! When Sean or Brett hit, We all came in real close..because they are 5&6, so they cant hit too far. We also played with the Cheatham's Kids..Brooks, Halle Caroline, and Ellison. (These are the kids I babysit, SOOO cute!!) Brooks plays baseball, so he of course was better than ALL of us. He always caught all the balls we hit..never failed. Halle Caroline usually had really nice hard hits, with some strikes here and there. Ellison was like her sister, but she wore some cool sunglasses while playing!! LOL, When I hit, I never hit it up high, they always hit the ground and bounced up. Thats why I never got out :) Well, until Brooks Caught them :( Anyways, It was a TON of fun!! We were out for several hours just playing around..I can't wait until the Next game! I will be practicing Brooks..so that way I can catch the balls you hit!! Muahahhahaha :)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A little bit of my weekend so far!
On Thursday, I got out of school at 10:45!! I went to chick-fil-a with my friends and then we went to go see Bride Wars. Bride Wars was such a CUTE movie..it was sooo funny! I recommend going to see it! After the movie, I went over to My Best Friend, Mercedes, house. I slept over there. We had alot of fun! We rode around on her neighbors golfcart, and then we hung out with some of our guy friends. We were so tired because we had to get up at 6:30 that day because of school, so we crashed around 1:00...which is very rare for us! We usually stay up another 2 or 3 hours. Then Next day we went on adventures around Mercedes neighborhood while it was 30 degrees outside. We came inside..and then My mom picked me up. Later on that day, I got to spend some quality family time. My family and I went to go see Bedtime stories. That was alot of fun! It was nice going with my family for once. And today is Saturday, and its a 4 day weekend for me..so I will be blogging more about the exciting things!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I finally got a blog!
Okay so after a Long Day of school (We actually got out at 12:00) I ate lunch with some friends, and my mom and Sean! We ate at Chilis :) We Picked up Brett from school, and then went through a CAR WASH! Thrill of my life! It was alot of fun! But once I got home, I studied for my finals tomorrow and I decided to make a blog! My mom has one..and my neighbors have one, so I decided to make one because I figured "Why not?" My mom has been helping me figure out how to blog and add gadgets, etc. Thanks Mom!! So far I have one blog, but there will be so much more to come!!
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